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AECOJOY Wall Mounted Gazebos Pergola Outdoor Lean to Gazebo Awnings - 10 Ft. W x 10 Ft. D

The AECOJOY Aluminum Pergola with Canopy is a sturdy and stylish hardtop gazebo that provides ample protection from harmful UV rays. With sliding panels for easy installation, this pergola covers up to 100 square feet of shade and is perfect for creating a comfortable outdoor recreation area.
Zobacz więcej poniżej
Bed Bath & Beyond
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The AECOJOY Aluminum Pergola with Canopy is a sturdy and stylish hardtop gazebo that provides ample protection from harmful UV rays. With sliding panels for easy installation, this pergola covers up to 100 square feet of shade and is perfect for creating a comfortable outdoor recreation area.

Cechy produktu

product height (in.)10